Delhi Public School

“Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality”. To inculcate the leadership qualities in the students and to give them a feel of functioning of the administrative body the new student council is formed every year in Carmel Convent High school. The investiture ceremony for the academic year 2024-2025 was held with great pomp and dignity on 28th June 2024 in the school premises. The event began with a march past by the newly elected student council with a melodious school band followed by a prayer service. The newly elected leaders were conferred with badges, sashes and flags by the Manager Sr. Elita and Principal Sr. Sushmita. The Principal Sr. Sushmita administered the oath to the newly elected office bearers. In her speech she guided the student council member to be the role models and render their responsibilities sincerely as the nation builders of tomorrow. She also advised the students to inculcate the values of punctuality, dedication, discipline and determination as they are the torch bearers of tomorrow. The ceremony concluded with a heartfelt vote of thanks by the Head Boy Kshitij Tilekar who expressed his gratitude to all who contributed to the success of the event. National Pledge was led by the Head Girl Vanshika More. The Program concluded with the school anthem. The investiture ceremony was a memorable event that underscored the values of leadership and service at Carmel Convent High School. As we look forward to the future under the guidance of our new leaders, we are confident that they will uphold the ideals of our institution and lead with distinction. We congratulate all the leaders and wish them success in their endeavors.

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